Building resilience in the tef value chain in Ethiopia

A group of 39 stakeholders participated in the workshop “Resilience of the Tef Value Chain in Ethiopia,” organized as part of the WFS Grants Platform project Assessing and Enhancing the Resilience of the Tef and Cocoa Value Chains (AERTCvc).

As part of the AERTCvc project, focused in Ethiopia and Ghana, a first Ethiopian stakeholder workshop took place at EIAR on 29-30 March 2017. In total, 39 stakeholders participated in the workshop, with 25 of them directly involved in the tef value chain system.

The purpose of the workshop was to bring together key stakeholders of the tef value chain in Ethiopia in order to establish a transdisciplinary process. Participants shared their thoughts about the challenges, opportunities, needs, and expectations of their “tef food system.” They also identified key effects of drought and heavy rainfall events on their activities and validated a draft field survey. An on-site field visit provided an opportunity for the workshop participants to see how tef is produced and processed.

Workshop participants
Workshop participants at EIAR, Ethiopia
Workshop field visit
Visit to tef experimental fields of EIAR in Debre Zeit

In the final session, workshop participants provided feedback and planned future meetings to keep momentum in the initiative. The workshop was seen as an excellent opportunity to share and exchange ideas to create a more resilient tef value chain in Ethiopia. The next stakeholder workshop is expected to take place in November 2017.

A report from the workshop is now available Downloadhere (PDF, 3.4 MB).

Flagship project

The Flagship Project "Enhancing Resilience in Food Systems" tackles the question "with so much uncertainty and complexity, how can we make food systems more sustainable under multiple, unpredictable drivers of change?" It is an initiative of the ETH Zurich World Food System Center, the Sustainable Agroecosystems Group, the Climate Policy Group, and the TdLab, led by WFSC member Prof. Johan Six. Find out more here.

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