Selina Hess

Selina Hess

Student / Programme Environmental Sciences MSc

ETH Zürich

World Food System Center

HG J 12

Rämistrasse 101

8092 Zürich


Selina Hess joined the office in September 2022 as Student Project Staff. In her role, she supports several outreach and communication projects.

Selina is currently a Masters student in Environmental Science at ETH Zurich. In her studies she put her focus on the interaction between humans and the environment with a special interest in food and agricultural systems. In her bachelor thesis she could follow her interest and elaborated and analysed scenarios how the Swiss agriculture could look like in the year 2050. During her studies she worked as a teaching assistant for different statistics courses and she was a member of the board of the Environmental and Forestry Association (UFO) where she was the president of the project commission.

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